Reading Programme

My Courses Available To Book




Consultation Sessions
Own Your Power Card Readings

I am offering you the tools now to help you get to the root of past issues, identify and understand the contributing factors of your un-observed gaps and travel into the future with the awareness of being awake in the energetic consciousness of the moment.

I’m going to show you why now, more than ever before, is the best time for you to take a simple step…. you’re about to get re-inspired, re-invigorated, and re-assured that yes, you are on the right track!

Mode of learning Includes:

  • Book your session
    On Request
    With Alison Demarco

Trainer: Alison Demarco

Award: TBC

The Temperaments & Face Reading Programme

The hidden secrets that can be seen in the Shape, Characteristics, and Features of the face which reveals a person’s Persona, Personality, Traits, Mannerisms, and True nature. Define relationship choices, communication, thinking and behaving.Not only are we giving off information from our facial features but also from the overall shape, movement, and mannerisms of our body, this is our Temperament.The Temperament relates to the energy, actions and reactions we display in their everyday life.Face and Temperament reading offers precious insights into how we live our life, our inner and outer thinking and being.The analysis of our face and temperament offers us insights into our choice of relationships, who we are attracted to or not and who and why we click with some people and not with others. Understanding of the analysis of the Face and Temperament will help to develop clear positive communication skills and so create calm peaceful relationships.

Mode of learning Includes:

  • Book your session
    On Request
    With Alison Demarco

Trainer: Alison Demarco

Award: TBC

The Temperaments & Face Reading Programme Retail £599.00


Ready to Make a Change?

Phone: 0771 666 9566
Address: 1/5 Hutchison Park Edinburgh EH14 1RG

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