An Own Your Power Card Reading offers you direction, answers your questions, give clear insight into relationships and offers you guidance on your souls purpose. 

At a crossroads in your life, looking for direction, unsure why you feel the way you do? Are you still looking for the secret to owning your inner peace, joy and success?  Nothing’s worked before, so why should this work now? I can hear you say. 

Well, believe me it worked for me.  I’m Alison Demarco and I am going to offer you a process that will enable you to make the connection to your deep-seated consciousness, yes that’s right, and give you the link to connect to your higher state of awareness.   I call this ‘Own Your Power’ Card Readings.  ‘Own Your Power Card Readings will reveal The Colours of Your Consciousness., the true ‘You’ and the YOU, you were born to be. 

Not only that, I will help you to delve into the universal consciousness, and I will show you how to live in the moment with new inspiring knowledge, so you can truly live the life of your dreams.