by sharon comrie | Nov 2, 2023 | Training Courses, Uncategorized
What influenced colour in 400AD? A.D. 400 The ancient Greek town of Byzantium, renamed Constantinople, had been made the capital of the Roman Empire during the 4th Century of the Christian Era. Christianity had become the leading religion. Byzantine colouring was...
by sharon comrie | Oct 25, 2023 | Training Courses, Uncategorized
BELIEFS Whether there is evidence or no evidence, a belief is a state of the mind where we think something is a fact. A belief can be seen as a presentation to the mind in the form of an image or idea. It can be said that it can be an attitude with true or false...
by sharon comrie | Oct 13, 2023 | Training Courses, Uncategorized
Explore the symbolic meanings behind colours like red, green, blue, and more. Discover their cultural & historical significance. COLOUR SYMBOLISM Red has been the usual Sunday colour in church, as well as the colour of penitence on Ash Wednesday, Good...
by sharon comrie | Jan 18, 2023 | Training Courses, Uncategorized
You can connect to your emotional, physical and spiritual power by taking the Colour Therapy Advanced Practitioners Course “Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.” – Sogyal Rinpoche Learn how Light and Colour are...
by Alison Demarco | Dec 14, 2022 | The Temperaments, Training Courses
Are you looking to learn more about yourself and how your personality affects your relationships? Who are you attracted to and why? Who is your perfect partner? If so, Alison has created a unique and enlightening personality reading course that may be a good option...
by sharon comrie | Dec 7, 2022 | The Temperaments, Training Courses
If you are wondering how can I increase my psychic abilities?Maybe you are looking to develop new skills the powerful knowledge that once you can read people like an open book the more you can develop your psychic abilities. Are you looking to learn more about...