Alison’s Corner

Thoughts, explanations and visions from Alisons pen to paper



You open the wardrobe doors and it starts: The blue two-piece? No. The yellow dress? No. The green smock? Yes! Why the green smock? Okay, you’ve not...

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Dory and Me

Dory and Me

This Is Who I Am: The Sassy CV Edition When you hear the same thing over and over from someone, one day the penny drops. Well, guess what? The penny...

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A Vast Universe

A Vast Universe

A vast universe not only lives outside of us but also inside of us...LETS TALK WHITE - THE BLUEPRINT OF YOUR LIFELOOK OUTWARDS TO THE...

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Face Reading and You

Face Reading and You

It's all in the face.. Natures elements are all part of our true nature.. A Face and temperament reading are for those who are...

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Self Isolation

Self Isolation

Self Isolation is something that many have had to learn to live with, while for others this is their way of life.. It can be a time to...

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What is Dowsing?

What is Dowsing?

Do you know that many of the large companies use Dowsers, some to find oil, diamonds and Dowsers were also used during the war to locate...

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Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings

Tarot Reading If you have ever had a reading be it Tarot Cards or Spiritual then you will know how amazing they can be in giving you...

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Book a Reading

Book a Reading

If you are currently searching for a way to get “out there” and to push yourself beyond any introversion, shyness or reluctance to be...

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Alison Demarco Bio

Alison Demarco Bio

Alison Demarco – Spiritual Communicator, Medium, Visionary, Colour Therapist, Electro-Crystal Therapist, NLP Practitioner, Face &...

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