Alison Demarco is a distinguished figure based in Edinburgh, renowned for her profound insights as a psychic medium and spiritual communicator. With years of experience in tarot card reading in Edinburgh, Alison has garnered a reputation for delivering accurate, intuitive tarot readings that reflect her deep understanding of the spiritual realm. Her expertise extends to psychic readings, where she uses her clairvoyant abilities to provide guidance and clarity to those seeking answers.

As the founder of ‘Tarot Readings.55 Edinburgh’, Alison has become a trusted name for those seeking psychic mediums in Edinburgh. Her approach is not just about predicting the future; it’s about empowering individuals to navigate life’s complexities with greater understanding and confidence.

Alison’s skills go beyond the tarot cards. She’s a seasoned psychic reader who offers phone psychics services, making her accessible to clients worldwide. Her reviews speak volumes of her ability to connect with people on a deeper level, regardless of the medium of communication.

Whether you’re seeking a psychic reading in Edinburgh or from anywhere else, Alison Demarco offers a unique blend of empathy, insight, and spiritual guidance. Her sessions are transformative, leaving clients with a renewed sense of purpose and enlightenment. Read More about her

Psychic Face and Temperament Course

Psychic Face and Temperament Course

Unlock Your Psychic Potential with Alison Demarco's Personality Reading Expert Course - Face and Temperament! Are you ready to tap into the mysteries of the human psyche and unlock your innate psychic abilities? Look no further than Alison Demarco's renowned Face and...

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Dory and Me

Dory and Me

This Is Who I Am: The Sassy CV Edition When you hear the same thing over and over from someone, one day the penny drops. Well, guess what? The penny just dropped for me. Picture that penny dropping into the sea, creating ripples of new and exciting discoveries. One of...

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Understand Your Journey in Tarot Colour Readings

Understand Your Journey in Tarot Colour Readings

Thirty years ago, I suffered a nervous breakdown. This incident including repeated stages of anxiety, was one of the most painful experiences I had to feel. But upon introspection, since the last episode, I’ve been on a miraculous journey of self empowerment and...

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Alison Demarco – Angels and More

Alison Demarco – Angels and More

Navigating Life's Ups and Downs with Spiritual Guidance In the symphony of life, there are moments of harmony and moments of discord. Yet, why is it that we often find ourselves speaking loudest when faced with adversity, while the whispers of gratitude remain unheard...

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BOOK YOUR TAROT CARD READING Tarot Readings can range from dealing with difficult questions, guidance, support, relationships, the possibility of tragic events, work, finance and future direction. A Tarot Reading will offer people, the insights and structures they can...

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Why Should You Have a Tarot Reading?

Why Should You Have a Tarot Reading?

Why Should You Have a Tarot, Mediumship, Psychic Spiritual Reading By Alison Demarco? We all have different reasons on why we want a reading!However most who take the step to have a reading are looking to communicate or feel peace and a sense of acceptance from...

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30Min Biofield Viewer Session

30Min Biofield Viewer Session

The Biofield Viewer is a digital viewer Aura Camera which reveals the Aura, and Chakras as living energy fields. Making the invisible made visible.  This Biofield Viewer aura camera observes and makes visible the energetic functionality of your Aura revealing any...

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Work From Home Train in Colour and Face Readings

Work From Home Train in Colour and Face Readings

Train in Colour Readings/Therapy, Face Reading and gain the qualifications to Work From HomeNow days more and more people are looking for ways to work from home.  Love to work from home, learn and earn..On-Line Readings/Consultations are one of the most profitable...

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Are You an Air Temperament and what does this mean?

Are You an Air Temperament and what does this mean?

What has an Air  Temperament to do with Personality? An “Airy” person could be one with his head in the clouds, what he talks about may be above our heads and should rather “airy-fairy”.  There is no one temperament that is perfect.  Whatever temperament...

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Your Personality is revealed In YOUR Face

Your Personality is revealed In YOUR Face

Your personality, mannerisms and much more all revealed from a simple form of Face Reading and allows us to remain centered. Our center represents a state of carefree innocence, humility and objectivity.  When we forget to be in the center we become...

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Temperament Reading – Face Reading and Relationships

Temperament Reading – Face Reading and Relationships

Your true personality is revealed in the overall shape of your body and face. learn more... If we truly realize that consciousness is external, and that we ourselves are opened or closed to the various elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water then, by studying the...

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Colour the language to the Mind..

Colour the language to the Mind..

If you are currently searching for a way to get “out there” and to push yourself beyond any introversion, shyness or reluctance to be who you are, and want to learn how to relate well with others and build mutually-supportive relationships that catapult both parties...

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What do your Colours Say About You?

What do your Colours Say About You?

Colour is a Language - find out what your colour choices say about you..What is a colour reading?A colour reading has its basis in your colour choices from our colour chart range.  You choose four colours you are attracted to and four you are not attracted...

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Colour Tarot mini Reading

Colour Tarot mini Reading

Colour is a language and this special deck of 49 Colour cards reveal the past, present and future for a person through their colour choices... Know yourself and know your purpose.. happiness is yours..If you are currently searching for a way to get “out...

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Colour Tarot mini Reading Gold

Colour Tarot mini Reading Gold

Own Your Power Cards Gold the meanings of the language of colour Gold...What if I could tell you that through the language of colour we can discover the full significance of a person's true nature, identify the hidden self, and furthermore reveal the...

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What is an Own Your Power Card Reading?

What is an Own Your Power Card Reading?

An Own Your Power Card Reading offers you direction, answers your questions, give clear insight into relationships and offers you guidance on your souls purpose. At a crossroads in your life, looking for direction, unsure why you feel the way you do? Are...

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Colour Tarot mini Reading Yellow/Blue

Colour Tarot mini Reading Yellow/Blue

Learn what the colour combination White/Yellow represents and the importance of the language of colour in your life...Yellow and blue the solar plexus and the throat chakra work together to bring peace and calm to the central nervous system. Bring the...

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Colour Tarot mini Readings White/Orange

Colour Tarot mini Readings White/Orange

Colour is a language and White and Orange combination tell a story... listen to find out...A dare devil, a fun loving happy soul in reality but with the clear this may not be the case.  Stemming from an operation or a trauma in childhood there may well be...

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Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings

Tarot Reading If you have ever had a reading be it Tarot Cards or Spiritual then you will know how amazing they can be in giving you clarity and answer you long for! Alison Demarco combines Colour & Tarot Readings, Spiritual Guidance, with messages...

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Face & Temperament Reading

Face & Temperament Reading

Face & Temperament Readings will lead you towards your greater purpose, help with Self Development and enable you to live with success and happiness. So what can I do with this new information?This new information will enable you to view and understand...

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What is a Face and Temperament Reading?

What is a Face and Temperament Reading?

Know yourself through your Temperament and align yourself to your relationships..This system is based on the study of people by a group of artists who by their very nature were motivated by human behaviour. They were also philosophers and held group study...

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Face Reading – The Key to happiness

Face Reading – The Key to happiness

What system is the face reading based on?This system is based on the study of people by a group of artists who by their very nature were motivated by human behaviour. They were also philosophers and held group study meetings every day in their home in...

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Book a Reading

Book a Reading

If you are currently searching for a way to get “out there” and to push yourself beyond any introversion, shyness or reluctance to be who you are, and want to learn how to relate well with others and build mutually-supportive relationships that catapult...

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Own Your Power Cards Readings…

Own Your Power Cards Readings…

Honestly, when you learn the secret of how to set the dial to positively tune into the universal frequencies, then you will be automatically connected to the vibrations of health, happiness and success.  I will show you that when you tune into the reasons...

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Empowering Your Personality

Empowering Your Personality

If you are currently searching for a way to get “out there” and to push yourself beyond any introversion, shyness or reluctance to be who you are, and want to learn how to relate well with others and build mutually-supportive relationships that catapult...

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Alison Demarco’s Face Reading System

Alison Demarco’s Face Reading System

Understand your self better and also to see how others see you.  Recognise your strengths and your weaknesses and the areas you can develop for personal growth and awareness.Recognise other people’s behavioural styles and how you can interact with them...

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Life Coaching and sustaining the changes…

Life Coaching and sustaining the changes…

The way the mechanized world appears at the moment we could say, if we survive, is not far form the establishment of a new feudal system.  Quite often from radio, television and newspapers comes quotes from many saying that we stand in great need at this...

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How to become intuitive and Happy

How to become intuitive and Happy

It's all in the thinking - there are steps you can take to change your thinking, in doing so change the things you want to change and develop the areas that you want to enhance.  Join the Training in Colour Therapy and or Face Reading and find out...

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Own Your Power Card Consultations

Own Your Power Card Consultations

Own You Power Cards are used to help the individual find their true purpose in life, release past emotional blocks and move towards a happy successful life...If you are currently searching for a way to get “out there” and to push yourself beyond any...

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Join and learn Colour Therapy & Face Reading..

Join and learn Colour Therapy & Face Reading..

Join me for training in Face Temperament and Colour Therapy ..Due to and in part the modern technology and science driven medicines, our consciousness is very superficial and easily extinguished by sleep, drugs, hypnotism, concussion, etc.  One of our...

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Psychic & Spiritual Readings in Edinburgh

Psychic & Spiritual Readings in Edinburgh

I found it hard in finding a spiritual and psychic reading that was spot on, covered messages from a loved one who had passed and also answering questions about myself past, present and future.  Over the years I have been to many spiritual and psychic nights and...

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Motivational Coaching by Skype

Motivational Coaching by Skype

Using communication skills,  NLP and finding solutions to any inner thoughts that are keeping you stuck. This is a half hour session via skype at a convenient time for you that is great for: - After a reading once you process and reflect it can be good to have a catch...

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Please click on the reading you would like and choose either a Face to Face Reading in Edinburgh or a Skype reading online. Please note Please pay for your reading and Alison will contact you to book in your time For face to face readings your venue details will also...

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Face Reading & You

Face Reading & You

Did You Know Your Face Gives Your Personality Away?Understanding ourselves and others better can be analysed through the language of Colour, Face and Temperament. There is no easy fix to understanding ourselves and others better; it is a process of discovery based on...

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