Light and Colour – Violet
Philosophy, religion, science, and psychology have all tried to form a definition of what the mind is and what is contained within the mind. Imagination, consciousness, perception, memory, thinking and judgment is usually defined as the model of living or non-living existence.
The mind comes with rational thinking which creates our beliefs and our actions.
The mind comes with rational thinking which creates our beliefs and our actions. The mind also helps us to process our feelings and emotions.
This rational thinking results in the mental state involving our beliefs, our feelings, our values and dispositions, provoking us to act in certain ways, and with specific attitudes.
Before science, many considered the mind non-physical, but science now suggests that the mind is roughly identical with the brain in neuron behavior.
Stress related problems can be triggered by the brain having experienced varying different social development physical changes, from insecure attachments, stemming from birth upwards, which can override our very own genetic makeup.
Trauma freezes us into a state of disability and can take on many different emotional, social and physical forms…

Our brain is our command central and during our life creates new neural circuitry. New technology has demonstrated that during our life our brain renews its structure and function due to our experiences.
Any traumatic experiences from birth upwards can mirror our past experiences during our life.
Examples range from anxiety, lack of compassion, difficulty in keeping and developing relationships, depression, self-esteem, self-control, behavioral difficulties, alienation from others, aggression, eating disorders, exhaustion, learning disabilities, physical illness.
What then happens is that we can then pass on our behavioral traits to our children, including our post-traumatic stress. Trauma freezes us into a state of disability and can take on many different emotional, social and physical forms.
The brain stays flexible during our lifetime.
Brain technology offers new information on the difference between normal stress responses, and traumatic responses, and says that some people who suffer traumatic responses will return to balance, but other people are unable to return the traumatic stress responses to balance. This makes it possible for us to turn our stress into well-being.
The brain stays flexible during our lifetime. Stress is a normal response when we are threatened, we have the fight, flight and freeze responses to our survival. They protect us from danger, and hormones are released as our heart speeds up and our blood pressures increases, we breathe faster, and our senses become on high alert.
Once our high alert state passes, our nervous system will slow down, and then return to a calm state. States of exhilaration are produced when we are experiencing challenges.
States of exhilaration are produced when we are experiencing challenges.
A stressful lifestyle keeps us constantly on the go and overwhelms us with constant physiological stimulation for we are kept from a quiet calm state.
For the most part, many do change this stressful state back into a calm state. So, it is not what has happened to us but how we deal with it and react to it. Our reactions determine our recovery.
Let’s start right now, with a bullet point description relating to the Violet Colour Personality. Another Colour Personality description will be added in the next article, but for more information, please click on the following link. https://alisondemarco.com/joy-of-aliveness-jam/

The mind helps us to process our feelings and emotions
If you described yourself as the colour violet, you would be someone who is: –
2. Psychic
3. Caring
4. A healer
5. A sensitive
6. An artist/musician.
Relax and imagine you are surrounded by a shimmering Violet colour.
2. Breathe in this Violet colour as you relax.
3. Imagine the Violet colour is now within you as well as outside you.
4. Take a moment and ask how this colour makes you feel.
5. Has your energy changed in any way?
6. Do you feel calmer while visualising the violet colour?
7. Think about how you are feeling now and how your energy levels are.
8. Do you feel anxious?
9. If you do feel anxious, then inhale deeply and breathe out slowly.
10. What images appear as the colour violet surrounds you?
11. Bring the violet colour closer to you?
12. Intensify the violet colour and as you do so notice if you feel more relaxed as the violet colour intensifies.
13. Ask yourself if there are any sounds, what can you hear?
14. If the feelings from visualising the colour violet are creating harmony, balance and peace for you stay with this feeling until you want to bring yourself back into the present moment, awake and energised.
OWN YOUR POWER Cards – Intuitive colours to illuminate your Soul Purpose, understand you and break thorough to the future.
OWN YOU POWER Cards offer clear perceptions, understanding, guidance, and solutions to past, present, and future circumstances. Connect to the eternal truth behind your thinking and find the true self.