The Language of Colour

The Language of Colour is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves, our feelings,
emotions, behaviour, traits, mannerisms and past/present conditioning.
This exercise is an exercise that helps to reveal the hidden feelings behind past/present experiences in a subtle manner. By first relaxing our mind and body, we can then tap right into the depths of our psyche. Great revelations can help better understanding of events, relationships and self.
Before you begin this exercise, lay out in front of you a set of colour pencils/pens and an A4 piece of paper.
Sit quietly in a comfortable position, close your eyes and take a deep breath in and hold it for up to a count of ten, or whatever number you are comfortable with, then exhale, pushing as much breath out of your lungs as you can. Repeat this deep relaxing breathing ten times.
Each time you exhale your breath, feel your body and mind beginning to relax more and more.
As you relax, begin to focus for a moment on your facial muscles, then your neck muscles, now the chest muscles, the solar plexus muscles, the gut muscles and the lower back. All the while relaxing as you go. Feel the tension being released from your body on your out breath.
When you feel relaxed enough, begin to imagine back in time, to when you were a child: you can choose any age you want. Keeping your eyes shut, think about the age your mind has stopped and keeping this image of yourself in your mind, look now to the events that are happening in your life at this moment in time. View the picture: are you in a house, on a horse, in a shop, what are you doing?

Relax and Reflect
Once you have established the images, open your eyes and draw the scene, intuitively choosing your colours. When you have finished, look at the drawing and really see what you have drawn. Check out the simple meanings of the colours from the brief description below and begin to find out how you were feeling at that time of your life. Were you happy, sad, lonely, depressed, anxious, who was around you or what was around you? Become aware of the colours you have drawn. If there are people in the picture, are they standing close to you, or apart from you and what colour have you drawn them, and their clothes?
Take a moment to think and feel what your picture is saying to you? Is your picture full of reds, yellows, oranges? If so, this could mean that you are describing frustration, anger, and even feelings of being controlled. If your drawing is mostly blues and cool colours, this could be a reflection of a peaceful state, or a shyness, or even where you may have felt as if you were not heard or listened to. Look closely at the details or lack of details in your picture, the scenery, the people and or animals.

Question what else you could have put into your picture and what is missing from the picture. Look for any gaps, where there is no colour. For example, if you have drawn a house observe if it has a door, if so what colour is the door, and is the door open or shut. Check and see if the windows have curtains, if so, are they open or closed. What surrounds the house, is there a path leading to the front door and what are the feelings that you are experiencing from your drawing of this house?
Everything about your drawing is telling you a story about how you felt at that time. Once you have established all your data from your drawing then you can begin to understand how you were thinking and feeling at the time. Understanding and acceptance will help guide you to developing new skills and mind set, so you can lead a happy, successful, fulfilled life, knowing that you can change your picture at any time. If from you picture you pick up on unhappiness then draw another happy picture with you at the centre.
Violet: Spiritual, cool, calming, head area.
Indigo: Psychic, depression, deep emotions, third eye
Blue: Peace, communication, weak emotions, sensitive, throat area
Green: Soul linked, emotionally linked to nature, fears, heart area
Yellow: Stress, anxiety, learning, central nervous and digestive area
Orange: Creative, freedom, trauma, gut area
Red: Anger, frustration, high energy, lower back area
Pink: Love, nurturing, womb and ovary area
Turquoise: Freedom, seaside, countryside, artistic, immune area
Black: Blockages, tired energy, unseen
White: Clarity, unseen, void
Brown: Down to earth, grounded, musical and creative, low energy
For more information please get in touch.
Alison Demarco

The Meaning of Colors