The Temperaments
We are subconsciously/consciously influenced from birth not only by our parents, their views, beliefs and values; but also, through the conditioning of our schooling, our studies, and the school environment. At birth, we feel sensations inside and outside. All our bodily functions, such as digestion, all work involuntarily from their respective organs. We are born with the five senses, hearing, seeing, touch, smell, and taste.
At birth, we feel sensations inside and outside.
All external movements, all movements which have to be learnt, movements which become habitual, what we imagine, our day dreams, the way we talk and our thoughts; these are recorded in the part of the moving function of the brain.
These thoughts become the phenomenon known as intuitive knowledge; the seat of intuition, and co-ordination of body. Within our mental processes, is the realization, formation of concepts, comparisons, imaging, and verbalization of our thoughts; which creates inner seeing, attention to detail and observation, we have the ability to relate to new concepts as we harness the power of clear seeing.

Intuitive knowledge; the seat of intuition
When we are in the feeling part of our being, sympathy, happiness, sorrow, fear, faith, hope, love and compassion exist. When, in our feeling state, we can distort our picture of our feelings and this then, results in our suffering. Our feelings are our seat of sensitivity and calm flowing energy.
We learn behaviour through the actions and reactions of our peer group. In turn, our learned behaviour influences how we develop our behavioural patterns. Therefore, outside influences play a part in the progress of our characteristic traits and mannerisms.
All this data becomes logged in our mind and is expressed through our actions in our everyday life. These actions contribute and lead us, more often than not, to subconsciously continue with positive/negative behaviour patterns, that we believe supports and keeps us safe from our external and internal fears.
Our feelings are our seat of sensitivity and calm flowing energy.
Imagine you are on your own at a works night out and you hardly know anyone, as you have just begun working for the company. You are standing on your own while everyone else is in groups.
You are unsure what to do, you feel like a wallflower and panic begins to set in. As you look around the room, your eyes land on someone’s face; they seem familiar to you, yet you can’t place how you know them or where you have seen them before.
You take the plunge, and you go over and introduce yourself to this friendly face. They smile at you as you approach and immediately you are chatting away as if you have known each other all your lives. You find out that they work next door to your office, doing the same type of work as you do. You also find out that you have the same hobbies and share the same sense of humour.

You both communicate in a similar mode, and this makes you feel relaxed and calm in their company. You can see that their face is not dissimilar to yours, they have similar large eyes, similar shaped face and similar high cheekbones. These facial characteristics suggest that water is their first element, out of the other three facial elements of the personality. As you look at their overall body shape, you notice their body movements.