See which Face you are taking to!


I hope this note finds you well! I wanted to share something that has been a major part of my life and has truly transformed my understanding of human nature and relationships—my Face Reading System.

For anyone who feels stuck within themselves or simply wants to know more about their own personality and relationships, Face Reading offers a powerful way to develop and grow. I would not be where I am today, in my element and successfully enjoying life, if I had not stumbled across a group of spiritual philosophers who, over five decades, studied human nature. By painting portraits and documenting the actions, reactions, and behaviours of people who attended their school of philosophy, they developed and amassed a wealth of knowledge around twelve individual personalities.

This facial recognition wisdom, passed down over centuries, takes the guesswork out of questioning other people’s intentions, values, traits, and behaviours. Face Reading will dramatically improve your relationships, revealing the driving force behind people’s reactions and actions.

Imagine understanding the underlying reasons why you are attracted to a certain type of person. How would you feel if you could foresee whether a relationship will fail or succeed? It is not guesswork; it is based on decades of tried and tested research, philosophical wisdom, and the observation of human nature.

Have you ever wished for better communication skills to stop arguments? Now you can. Want to stop overthinking your actions and reactions? Just think how you would feel if you could predict how others will behave and react. This knowledge will give you the upper hand in all your relationships, enabling a calm, peaceful, and happy outcome for you and those around you. The potential is extensive.

My 3 Top Strategies to Overcome Failed Relationships:

  1. Become Aware, Awake, and Observant of Others Start by truly noticing people around you. Pay attention to their facial expressions, body language, and reactions. This heightened awareness will help you understand the subtle cues that drive their behaviour.
  2. Listen to Communication Patterns Take a step back and listen to how others talk. Focus on the language they use and their communication patterns. This will give you insight into their thought processes and emotional state, helping you respond more effectively.
  3. Be Open and Non-Judgmental Ditch your need to be opinionated and be open to what others say. You do not need to agree, but stepping back and smiling can foster a more positive and understanding environment.

Embrace the power of Face Reading to transform your relationships. Join my Face Reading course and unlock the potential for calm, peaceful, and happy relationships in your life.