As a mother, grandmother, and someone who has experienced the ups and downs of life, I now know what it feels like to come from one end of the spectrum to another. There is a pot of gold and it’s within ourselves. Seek out your wisdom, it’s there in all its glorious forms that are the essence of leading a happy amazing life. 


As some of you will know, I began an incredible journey, after I suffered from debilitating depression. Finally I got that wake up call, that ‘Light Bulb’ moment. Awoken from the deep darkness that I had been in for over a year I now asked the following questions..




There were so many Grey areas in my life. So much I needed to understand and come to terms with.

I used to ‘Paint the town red’ until I forgot who I was and succumbed to an emptiness, a darkness, a kasam that was too deep to see into. My inner Light extinguished, my mind searched for purpose.

One day like ‘a bolt out of the blue’ I awoke from the darkness .This was the moment I began to receive information and inspiration from a Tarot Colour Reading. My life past and present began to make sense. My colour choices helped me to find my purpose and inner peace. Happiness became my friend and my soul resonated and connected with Spirit.

There have been countless opportunities which have come to light for me since I began working with Spirit. From TV, Radio and published articles to writing three books. If you had asked me thirty years ago if any of these opportunities could be possible, I would have answered no. Yet, here we are today and my life is filled with amazing memories and a new perspective of life.. 

Back then when I was in my darkest moments, I vowed that if I could answer all my questions and heal myself I would help others who too were suffering. 

Over the years the knowledge I’ve learned from academics, as well as the wisdom from some of the most revered philosophers, has shone a bright light on my life. I’ve experienced and witnessed the most remarkable healing processes. We all want happiness, peace and love. This is why, in part over the years, I’ve documented my journey, the steps, experiences and ways. These valuable lessons are available online in my Colour Therapy Course. Light, Life, Living.

I’ve come to believe in the ability of the unlimited mind if instructed correctly to think positively. I believe we can light up our energy fields. We can raise our vibrations. We can create our own powerful vision and so live in harmony with ourselves and each other.  

I’m living proof I also know the steps to overcome depression and the strategies to take to lead a happy healthy life.

I have also documented the benefits and the importance of Light, Colour and Energy in my Colour Therapy Course. 

Instead of my nervous breakdown being the end of the world and life for me, it truly was the beginning of my incredible journey. From the people I have met to the challenges I’ve faced, I wouldn’t change it for anything. 

I started out to heal myself from the trauma of my past. Now, I not only live an amazing fulfilling life but also have a successful business. We can be, if we have the knowledge, unlimited in our thinking. If we can dream it, see it as if we already have it, then we can absolutely create it. Find your vision, find your happy authentic self.. 

I found courage, confidence and compassion. We can all become glorious.

My recent podcast link is below